Writing Your First App

Quick Example (or two)

SprintKit makes interfacing to the Sprint network a snap, here are a few snippets that should give you an idea of what you can do.

Sometimes you just need to find out where a phone or device is located (think lost phone). Here is a simple Geo-Location fix from the Python shell:

>>> from sprintkit import Location
>>> location = Location()
>>> print location.locate("XXXXXXXXXX")

Lets say you want to send someone an SMS message as soon as they enter a geo-graphic perimeter. Here is a sample to do that:

from time import sleep
from sprintkit import Perimeter, SMS

sms = SMS()
starbucks = (38.912683, -94.660306)
perimeter = Perimeter(starbucks, 2000)
friends_phone = "XXXXXXXXXX"
inside = perimeter.inside(friends_phone)
while not inside:
    inside = perimeter.inside(friends_phone)
sms.send(friends_phone, "Hey, can you bring me a latte?")

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